100 Years Ago: From The Rensselaer Eagle [NY 41 Rensselaer 93-32173].
"Even a blizzard is not so ill a wind that it blows nobody good," said a Rensselaer employee of an Albany millinery shop. "Usually there is nothing doing between Christmas and New Year's in
our line, but this year it's different. The first two days of the post Christmas week brought fifty hats to our place to be made over at an average cost of $5 each and we expect more. Every one of them was rendered un-presentable by the Christmas storm."
Check out this 1909 black & white short movie "
Those Awful Hats", directed by D. W. Griffith, pokes a little fun at the fashion of the day.
[Posted 1/8/11 and back-dated for continuity]